Welcome to OneINMA Global

About Us

Welcome to OneINMA Global

Our 100% owned First Nations company does work in sacred leadership and transformational leadership consulting and mentoring.  We run Indigenous Leadership Masterclasses, mentor executives and emerging leaders who work with or across First nations communities.  We do consulting in strategy, conflict resolution and cultural education/training and building cultural safety.  We design transformational programs for businesses and agencies and support not for profit organisations do their work at higher levels of knowing, being and doing through our community service programs.

We are committed to self-transformation, community service and bringing peace and harmony to our world through sharing positive and higher level thinking and consciousness in our work, between each other  to support and allow us to be reconciled, healed and recovered from our past world traumas so that we change our actions, strategies and attitudes as we all move forward to a higher level of consciousness and thinking.

Check out who we are to download our BIOs/CVs and our events page for upcoming trainings and retreats/forums and other pages for our services and contact details.   

We support the Foundation for Indigenous Recovery & Development, Aust. Providing free services to First Nations families in Australia in recovery and healing services. www.firda.online